Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Slow Week

  Wow it has been a week since I posted anything! I have had family in town and have not done any 'serious' photography.  However I will be traveling to Los Angeles this weekend so am really excited about having some photos to share from there. I will be wandering the Venice Beach area Friday which is always filled with some interesting characters and is just a beautiful place with great energy.
  I did get back to Fort Desoto the other day with my parents so thought I would just share a few more photos from there. It really is an amazingly beautiful park and beach area. I am still not totally used to seeing birds like this everywhere and get a kick out of watching them. They like to hang out around the Piers where people fish hoping for a treat if someone catches something too small to keep.

  These little guys are all over the place. I like this photo because just for a few seconds the wind blew the feathers on the back of his head up a bit.

  I really like this one in black and white. Makes it look as though it could have been taken a long time ago.
This world is such an amazing place with so many different things going on. These birds live in a world of their  own having know idea of how crazy we humans are. I often find it very soothing to just watch them for a while.

  A man fishing with a wrecked boat in the background.  Not sure what was going on with that boat it did not look too old. I gave this one a canvas like texture in addition to the black and white treatment to give it a different look.  I took it on the 'North Beach' which is ranked one of the best in the country for good reason.
There are a lot of beaches in the area but this one is my favorite perhaps because of the Island feel. 
  Check back soon for a post on my day at Venice Beach!

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